Module: ol/format/WFS





module:ol/format/WFS.writeFilter(filter, opt_version){Node}

import {writeFilter} from 'ol/format/WFS';

Encode filter as WFS Filter and return the Node.

Name Type Description
filter module:ol/format/filter/Filter~Filter


version string

WFS version. If not provided defaults to '1.1.0'


Type Definitions


Number of features; bounds/extent.

Name Type Description
numberOfFeatures number
bounds module:ol/extent~Extent


Name Type Description
name string

The feature type name.

bbox module:ol/extent~Extent

Extent to use for the BBOX filter.

geometryName string

Geometry name to use in the BBOX filter.


Name Type Argument Default Description
featureNS Object.<string, string> | string <optional>

The namespace URI used for features.

featureType Array.<string> | string <optional>

The feature type to parse. Only used for read operations.

gmlFormat module:ol/format/GMLBase~GMLBase <optional>

The GML format to use to parse the response. Default is ol/format/GML2 for WFS 1.0.0, ol/format/GML3 for WFS 1.1.0 and ol/format/GML32 for WFS 2.0.0.

schemaLocation string <optional>

Optional schemaLocation to use for serialization, this will override the default.

version string <optional>

WFS version to use. Can be either 1.0.0, 1.1.0 or 2.0.0.


Total deleted; total inserted; total updated; array of insert ids.

Name Type Description
totalDeleted number
totalInserted number
totalUpdated number
insertIds Array.<string>


Name Type Argument Description
featureNS string

The namespace URI used for features.

featurePrefix string

The prefix for the feature namespace.

featureTypes Array.<(string|module:ol/format/WFS~FeatureType)>

The feature type names or FeatureType objects to define a unique bbox filter per feature type name (in this case, options bbox and geometryName are ignored.).

srsName string <optional>

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

handle string <optional>


outputFormat string <optional>

Output format.

maxFeatures number <optional>

Maximum number of features to fetch.

geometryName string <optional>

Geometry name to use in a BBOX filter.

propertyNames Array.<string> <optional>

Optional list of property names to serialize.

viewParams string <optional>

viewParams GeoServer vendor parameter.

startIndex number <optional>

Start index to use for WFS paging. This is a WFS 2.0 feature backported to WFS 1.1.0 by some Web Feature Services.

count number <optional>

Number of features to retrieve when paging. This is a WFS 2.0 feature backported to WFS 1.1.0 by some Web Feature Services. Please note that some Web Feature Services have repurposed maxfeatures instead.

bbox module:ol/extent~Extent <optional>

Extent to use for the BBOX filter. The geometryName option must be set.

filter module:ol/format/filter/Filter~Filter <optional>

Filter condition. See module:ol/format/Filter for more information.

resultType string <optional>

Indicates what response should be returned, E.g. hits only includes the numberOfFeatures attribute in the response and no features.


Name Type Argument Default Description
featureNS string

The namespace URI used for features.

featurePrefix string

The prefix for the feature namespace.

featureType string

The feature type name.

srsName string <optional>

SRS name. No srsName attribute will be set on geometries when this is not provided.

handle string <optional>


hasZ boolean <optional>

Must be set to true if the transaction is for a 3D layer. This will allow the Z coordinate to be included in the transaction.

nativeElements Array.<Object>

Native elements. Currently not supported.

gmlOptions module:ol/format/GMLBase~Options <optional>

GML options for the WFS transaction writer.

version string <optional>

WFS version to use for the transaction. Can be either 1.0.0, 1.1.0 or 2.0.0.