Module: ol/source/ImageArcGISRest




Type Definitions


Name Type Argument Default Description
attributions module:ol/source/Source~AttributionLike <optional>


crossOrigin null | string <optional>

The crossOrigin attribute for loaded images. Note that you must provide a crossOrigin value if you want to access pixel data with the Canvas renderer. See for more detail.

hidpi boolean <optional>

Use the ol/Map#pixelRatio value when requesting the image from the remote server.

imageLoadFunction module:ol/Image~LoadFunction <optional>

Optional function to load an image given a URL.

imageSmoothing boolean <optional>

Enable image smoothing.

params Object.<string, *> <optional>

ArcGIS Rest parameters. This field is optional. Service defaults will be used for any fields not specified. FORMAT is PNG32 by default. F is IMAGE by default. TRANSPARENT is true by default. BBOX, SIZE, BBOXSR, and IMAGESR will be set dynamically. Set LAYERS to override the default service layer visibility. See href="">\_Map/02r3000000v7000000/ for further reference.

projection module:ol/proj~ProjectionLike <optional>

Projection. Default is the view projection.

ratio number <optional>

Ratio. 1 means image requests are the size of the map viewport, 2 means twice the size of the map viewport, and so on.

resolutions Array.<number> <optional>

Resolutions. If specified, requests will be made for these resolutions only.

url string <optional>

ArcGIS Rest service URL for a Map Service or Image Service. The url should include /MapServer or /ImageServer.